Recent News

Dr. Ouyang: New Associate Editor at Biomaterials Advances

Dr. Ouyang has been appointed as an Associate Editor for Biomaterials Advances, one of the major journals in biomaterials. Dr. Ouyang will handle submissions related to 3D bioprinting, bioactive hydrogels, and tissue engineering. 课题组组长自2024年1月起担任生物材料领域知名期刊Biomaterials Read more…

Postdoc/PhD/RA are welcome

Research Topics

My research interests include the design, fabrication, and application of complex biomaterial and cellular systems, with a central focus on the development of 3D bioprinting and advanced biofabrication technologies for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Enabling Technologies of Biofabrication (e.g., Bioprinting)

Novel approaches to the printing and assembling of living building blocks (e.g., cellular biomaterials). Keywords: Bottom-up (additive) manufacturing, 3D bioprinting, microfabrication, hierarchical structure.

Soft Biomaterials for Cell Niche Engineering (e.g., Hydrogels)

Novel biomaterials strategies to advance 3D cellular environment towards better cell-material interaction. Keywords: Bioinks, hydrogels, bioactive materials, microgels.

Applications of In Vitro Living Systems (e.g., Tissue Engineering)

Practical solutions to the engineering of functional in vitro living systems towards biological function. Keywords: tissue engineering, organ-on-a-chip, drug testing,

Selected Publications

L. Ouyang*, Pushing the Rheological and Mechanical Boundaries of Extrusion-based 3D Bioprinting. Trends in Biotechnology 2022

L. Ouyang et al. Expanding and Optimizing 3D Bioprinting Capacities Using Complementary Network Bioinks. Science Advances 2020.

L. Ouyang et al. Void‐Free 3D Bioprinting for In Situ Endothelialization and Microfluidic Perfusion. Advanced Functional Materials 2020.

L. Ouyang et al. A Generalizable Strategy for The 3D Printing of Hydrogels From Non-viscous Photocrosslinkable Ink. Advanced Materials 2017
