China’s National Grant for Biofabrication of Brain-Like Systems,课题组获批国家重点研发青年科学家项目

We are pleased to announce that the Group has been awarded a grant from the National Key R&D Program of China for the biofabrication of in vitro brain-like systems. This grant is led by the Ouyang Group, collaborating with researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China and The Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Science. 课题组于2024年12月获批“工程科学与综合交叉”国家重点研发专项青年科学家项目,将探究类脑器官多工艺融合生物3D打印研究。项目合作方包括中国科学技术大学和中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院。

Sugababe: when Van Gogh’s lost ear meets tissue engineering

We recently collaborated with Diemut Strebe, an artist, to construct her artwork Sugababe. It is a chondrocyte-seeded Van Gogh’s ear model cultured in a bioreactor with perfusion. The artwork is currently on show in the Ennova Art Museum in Langfang, Hebei, China. Introduction to Sugababe: “In Sugababe, the Theseus paradox—a thought Read more…

Grant funded by NSFC,课题组获批国自然面上项目

We are pleased to announce that the Group has been awarded a general project (11.66% funding ratio in its category) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China in the 2024 round of calls. This project is to explore an innovative 3D bioprinting technique in cardiac tissue engineering. 课题组获得2024年度国家自然科学基金面上项目支持(资助率11.66%),项目将探究一种新型生物3D打印工艺在心肌组织构建中的应用。

Dr. Ouyang: New Associate Editor at Biomaterials Advances

Dr. Ouyang has been appointed as an Associate Editor for Biomaterials Advances, one of the major journals in biomaterials. Dr. Ouyang will handle submissions related to 3D bioprinting, bioactive hydrogels, and tissue engineering. 课题组组长自2024年1月起担任生物材料领域知名期刊Biomaterials Advances的副编辑,将与期刊编委会一起,构建一个高质量、高效率的生物材料研究的出版平台。

Collaborative work published in Small

Our collaborative work on nanocomposite bioinks has been published in Small. This work introduces a multifunctional nanocomposite bioink based on amine-functionalized copper (Cu)-doped mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles (ACuMBGNs) and a hydrogel formulation relying on dynamic covalent chemistry composed of alginate dialdehyde (oxidized alginate) and gelatin, with favorable rheological properties, improved Read more…
