Our recent research article on porous bioink has been published in Advanced Healthcare Materials. This is a collaborative work with the Stevens Group from Imperial College London. In this study, we present a facile approach to engineer microscale (down to ~10 um in diameter) pores in cell-laden bioinks for 3D bioprinting applications. The inclusion of templated microgels in the bioinks mediates the rheological properties and thus printability, while the presentation of microporosity enhances cell activity likely due to a better mass transfer condition.

L. Ouyang*, J.P. Wojciechowski, J. Tang, Y. Guo, M.M. Stevens*, Tunable Microgel-Templated Porogel (MTP) Bioink for 3D Bioprinting Applications, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2200027 (2022). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information] [Video1]