- D. Zhou, C. Wang, A. Hert, L. Yan, B. Dou, and L. Ouyang*, in Multicomponent HydrogelsSmart Materials for Biomedical Applications, ed. J. M. Dodda, K. Deshmukh, and D. Bezuidenhout, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023, ch. 8, pp. 231-287. [DOI] [PDF]
- L. Ouyang*, Study on Microextrusion-based 3D Bioprinting and Bioink Crosslinking Mechanisms (Springer, Singapore, 2019). ISBN 978-981-13-9455-3. [DOI] [PDF]
Journal Articles
(# equal contribution, * corresponding author)
Selected Articles (Metrics are as of 10/2024)
Video abstract of an invited review article: L. Ouyang*, Trends in Biotechnology, 40, 891-902 (2022). [DOI]
- L. Ouyang et al, Expanding and Optimizing 3D Bioprinting Capabilities using Complementary Network Bioinks. Science Advances 6, eabc5529 (2020). [DOI] (Google引用>220次)
- L. Ouyang et al, Void‐Free 3D Bioprinting for In Situ Endothelialization and Microfluidic Perfusion. Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1908349 (2020). [DOI] (Google引用>130次)
- L. Ouyang et al, A Generalizable Strategy for The 3D Bioprinting of Hydrogels From Nonviscous Photo‐Crosslinkable Inks. Advanced Materials 29, 1604983 (2017). [DOI] (ESI高被引,Google引用>520次)
- L. Ouyang et al, 3D Printing of Shear-thinning Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels with Secondary Cross-linking. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2, 1743-1751 (2016). [DOI] (ESI高被引,Google引用>580次,期刊历史上引用量最高的研究论文[1/3000+])
- L. Ouyang et al, Effect of Bioink Properties on Printability and Cell Viability for 3D Bioplotting of Embryonic Stem Cells. Biofabrication 8, 035020 (2016). [DOI] (ESI高被引,Google引用>860次,期刊历史上引用量最高的研究论文[1/1000+])
Full List of Articles
In progress
- C. Wang and L. Ouyang* et al., 2025 submitted.
- D. Zhou and L. Ouyang* et al., 2025 in revision.
- J. Ma and L. Ouyang* et al., 2025 in revision.
- R. Xu and L. Ouyang* et al., 2025 in revision.
- Y. Guo Z. Wang, X. Zhang, J. Li, S. Gao, Y. Lv, L. Ouyang*, Microfiber-Templated Porogel Bioinks Enable Tubular Interfaces and Microvascularization Down to the Building Blocks for 3D Bioprinting. Small 2025 accepted.
- R. Xu, B. Dou, S. Yu, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. Leng, L. Ouyang*, W. Sun, Enabling 3D printability and vascular morphogenesis with double network dynamic hydrogels. Materials Today 2025 in press. [DOI]
- D. Zhou, P. Li, S. Yu, Z. Cui, T. Xu, L. Ouyang*, Optimizing extrusion-based 3D bioprinting of plant cells with enhanced resolution and cell viability. Biofabrication, 17, 025008 (2025).[DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information]
- P. Song, J. Chen, D. Zhao, K. Shi, R. Xu, M. Zhu, L. Zhao*, E.T. Pashuck, L. Ouyang, F. Jiao, Y. Lin*, Evolving Emulsion Microcompartments viaEnzyme-Mimicking Amyloid-Mediated Interfacial Catalysis. Small, 21, 2409601 (2025). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information]
- B. Pei, J. Ma, L. Ouyang, Z. Xiong*, High-Security Data Encryption Enabled by DNA Multi-Strand Solid-Phase Hybridization and Displacement in Inkjet-Printed Microarrays. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 17, 6, 10179–10190 (2025). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information]
- CK Chua*, J. An, S. Fan, X. Zhang, L. Ouyang*, H. Liu, L. Zhang, Y. Ren, M. Gou*, WL Ng, WY Yeong*, H. Zhu, Z. Meng, J. He*, A perspective on transformative bioprinting. International Journal of Bioprinting, 2024 in press. [DOI]
- B. Pei, Y. Zhou, Y. Yang, J. Ma, R. Cao, W. Huang, L. Ouyang, S. Mi, Z. Xiong*, A Novel DNA-based dual-mode data storage system with interrelated concise and detailed data. Small Science, 4, 2400094 (2024). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information]
- X. Jia, X. Fan, C. Chen, Q. Lu, H. Zhou, Y. Zhao, X. Wang, S. Han, L. Ouyang, H. Yan, H. Dai*, H. Geng*, Chemical and structural engineering of gelatin-based delivery systems for therapeutic applications: a review. Biomacromolecules 25, 564-589 (2024). [DOI][PDF]
- Z. Zhou, J. Ji, J. He, T. Liu, L. Ouyang, W. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z. Zhang, K. Zhang, Y. Pang*, W. Sun*, Harnessing three-dimensional in vitro systems to model immune responses to solid tumours: a step towards improving and creating personalized immunotherapies. Nature Reviews Immunology 24, 18-32 (2024). [DOI][PDF]
- L. Ouyang*, M. Salmeron-Sanchez, Editorial 3D bioprinting and advanced biofabrication of biomaterials. Biomaterials Advances 156, 213725 (2023). [DOI][PDF]
- D. Zhou, B. Dou, F. Kroh, C. Wang, L Ouyang*, Biofabrication strategies with single-cell resolution: a review. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 5, 042005 (2023). [DOI][PDF]
- M. Ye, Y Shan, B Lu, H Luo, B Li, Y Zhang, Z Wang, Y Guo, L Ouyang, J Gu, Z Xiong*, T Zhang*, Creating a semi-opened micro-cavity ovary through sacrificial microspheres as an in vitro model for discovering the potential effect of ovarian toxic agents. Bioactive Materials 26, 216-230 (2023). [DOI][PDF][Supporting Information]
- P. Li, D. Zhou, C. Yang, W. Rao, F. Lin, L. Ouyang*, Advances in 3D Bioprinting: Additive Manufacturing of Living Cells from Animal, Plant, and Microbe. Journal of Mechanical Engineering 59, 237-252 (2023) [DOI][PDF]
- D. Hachim, J. Zhao, J. Bhankharia, R. Nuñez-Toldra, L. Brito, H. Seong, M. Becce, L. Ouyang, C.L. Grigsby, S.G. Higgins, C.M. Terracciano, M.M. Stevens, Polysaccharide-polyplex nanofilm coatings enhance nanoneedle-based gene delivery and transfection efficiency. Small 18, 2202303 (2022). [DOI][PDF][Supporting Information]

- Y. Yang#, R. Xu#, C. Wang, Y. Guo, W. Sun*, L. Ouyang*, Recombinant Human Collagen-Based Bioinks for the 3D bioprinting of Full-thickness Human Skin Equivalent and Skin Tissue Engineering. International Journal of Bioprinting 8, 611 (2022). [DOI][PDF][Supporting Information]

- X. Mo, L. Ouyang, Z. Xiong*, T. Zhang*, Advances in Digital Light Processing of Hydrogels. Biomedical Materials 17, 042002 (2022). [DOI][PDF]

- C. Wang, Y. Yang, J. Ji, Y. Fang, L. Ouyang, L. Zhang*, W. Sun*, 3D-printed bioresorbable stent coated with dipyridamole-loaded nanofiber for restenosis prevention and endothelialization. International Journal of Bioprinting 8, 543 (2022). [DOI][PDF]

- X. Tian*, L. Wu, D. Gu, S. Yuan, Y. Zhao, X. Li, L. Ouyang, B. Song, T. Gao, J. He, X. Lin, F. Lin, J. Zhu, D. Li*, Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing: toward Intellectualization and Industrialization. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers (CJME-AMF) 1, 100014 (2022). [DOI] [PDF]

- Y. Fang#, Y. Guo#, T. Liu, R. Xu, S. Mao, X. Mo, T. Zhang, L. Ouyang*, Z. Xiong*, W. Sun, Advances in 3D Bioprinting. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers (CJME-AMF) 1, 100011 (2022). [DOI] [PDF]

- L. Ouyang*, J.P. Wojciechowski, J. Tang, Y. Guo, M.M. Stevens*, Tunable Microgel-Templated Porogel (MTP) Bioink for 3D Bioprinting Applications, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 11, 2200027 (2022). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information] [Video1] Front Cover This Month in Pictures Feb 2022 Advanced Scinece News

- L. Ouyang*, Pushing the Rheological and Mechanical Boundaries of Extrusion-based 3D Bioprinting. Trends in Biotechnology, 40, 891-902 (2022). [DOI] [PDF] [Video1]

- H. Zhu, M. Monavari, K. Zheng, T. Distler, L. Ouyang, S. Heid, Z. Jin, J. He, D. Li, A.R. Boccaccini*, 3D Bio-printing of Multi-functional Dynamic Nanocomposite Bioinks incorporating Cudoped mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles for Bone Tissue Engineering. Small, 18, 2104996 (2022). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information] [Video1] [Video2]

- Z. Fu, L. Ouyang*, R. Xu, Y. Yang, W. Sun*, Responsive Biomaterials for 3D Bioprinting: A Review. Materials Today 52, 112-132 (2022). [DOI] [PDF] Highlighted Paper

- H. Hajiali*, L. Ouyang, V. Llopis-Hernandez, O. Dobred, F.R.A.J. Rose*, Review of Emerging Nanotechnology in Bone Regeneration: Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives. Nanoscale 13, 10266-10280 (2021). [DOI] [PDF]

- C. Li#, L. Ouyang#, J.P.K. Armstrong*, M.M. Stevens*, Advances in the Fabrication of Biomaterials for Gradient Tissue Engineering. Trends in Biotechnology 39, 150-164 (2021). [DOI] [PDF]

Before 2020
- Y. Fang, L. Ouyang, T. Zhang*, C. Wang, B. Lu, W. Sun, Optimizing Bifurcated Channels within an Anisotropic Scaffold for Engineering Vascularized Oriented Tissues. Advanced Healthcare Materials 9, 2000782 (2020). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information]

- L. Ouyang, J.P.K. Armstrong, Y. Lin, J.P. Wojciechowski, C. Lee-Reeves, D. Hachin, K. Zhou, J.A. Burdick, M.M. Stevens*, Expanding and Optimizing 3D Bioprinting Capabilities using Complementary Network Bioinks. Science Advances 6, eabc5529 (2020). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information]

- L. Ouyang, J.P.K. Armstrong, M. Salmeron‐Sanchez, M.M. Stevens*, Assembling Living Building Blocks to Engineer Complex Tissues. Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1909009 (2020). [DOI] [PDF]

- L. Ouyang, J.P.K. Armstrong, Q. Chen, Y. Lin, M.M. Stevens*, Void‐Free 3D Bioprinting for In Situ Endothelialization and Microfluidic Perfusion. Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1908349 (2020). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information] [Video1] [Video2] [Video3] [Video4]

- C. Li, L. Ouyang, I.J. Pence, A.C. Moore, Y. Lin, C.W. Winter, J.P.K. Armstrong*, M.M. Stevens*, Buoyancy‐Driven Gradients for Biomaterial Fabrication and Tissue Engineering, Advanced Materials 31, 1900291 (2019). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information] [Video1]

- L. Ouyang, J.A. Burdick, W. Sun*, Facile Biofabrication of Heterogeneous Multilayer Tubular Hydrogels by Fast Diffusion-induced Gelation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 12424-12430 (2018). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information] [Video1]

- L. Ouyang, C.B. Highley, W. Sun, J.A. Burdick*, A Generalizable Strategy for The 3D Bioprinting of Hydrogels From Nonviscous Photo‐Crosslinkable Inks. Advanced Materials 29, 1604983 (2017). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information] [Video1] [Video2] [Video3] [Video4] [Video5]

- Y.C. Yeh, L. Ouyang, C.B. Highley, J.A. Burdick*, Norbornene-modified Poly (glycerol sebacate) as A Photocurable and Biodegradable Elastomer. Polymer Chemistry 8, 5091-5099 (2017). [DOI] [PDF] [Video1]

- Y.C. Yeh#, C.B. Highley#, L. Ouyang, J.A. Burdick*, 3D Printing of Photocurable Poly (glycerol sebacate) Plastomers. Biofabrication 8, 045004 (2016). [DOI] [PDF]

- L. Ouyang#, C.B. Highley#, C.B. Rodell, W. Sun, J.A. Burdick*, 3D Printing of Shear-thinning Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels with Secondary Cross-linking. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2, 1743-1751 (2016). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information]

- L. Ouyang, R. Yao*, Y. Zhao, W. Sun, Effect of Bioink Properties on Printability and Cell Viability for 3D Bioplotting of Embryonic Stem Cells. Biofabrication 8, 035020 (2016). [DOI] [PDF] [Supporting Information]

- L. Ouyang#, R. Yao#, S. Mao, X. Chen, J. Na, W. Sun*, Three-dimensional bioprinting of embryonic stem cells directs highly uniform embryoid body formation. Biofabrication 7, 044101 (2015). [DOI] [PDF]

- L. Ouyang#, R. Yao#, X. Chen#, J. Na*, W. Sun*, 3D printing of HEK 293FT cell-laden hydrogel into macroporous constructs with high cell viability and normal biological functions. Biofabrication 7, 015010 (2015). [DOI] [PDF]

- Y. Zhao#, R. Yao#, L. Ouyang, H. Ding, T. Zhang, K. Zhang, S. Cheng, W. Sun*, Three-dimensional printing of Hela cells for cervical tumor model in vitro. Biofabrication 6, 035001 (2014). [DOI] [PDF]

- T. Zhang*, K.C. Yan, L. Ouyang, W. Sun, Mechanical Characterization of Bioprinted In Vitro Soft Tissue Models. Biofabrication 5, 045010 (2013). [DOI] [PDF]